07 November 2015

Glorious Gray

Good morning, Father-God!   Even when skies are gray and the air is heavy, muggy with humidity, this is still the day which You have made and call us to rejoice and be glad within!  How easy it is to forget to start my day with You, The One who has brought it into being.  Forgive me when I dash into my day; thinking only of what I need to do for me.  Intent on being my own enabler I brush You aside and concentrate on what I really believe is most important - me, myself, I... and maybe my family.  But without You it is all completely without meaning.  Without You I'm not capable of anything of eternal value; it will all pass away.  But with You everything sparkles with the newness of creation!  With You even the dullest and grayest of days is lit with the radiance of forever and ever!  This is eternity - You are eternity - and the wonder of it wraps me in awe of You.  With thanksgiving and praise I lift my heart to You this gray, muggy morning, and ask that You would bless it unto me; not for my glory, but for Your glory, Father Son Spirit, now, within this moment of forever - Amen!

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