16 November 2015


Dear Heavenly Father, it's so sad when what we love divides us.  Give us hearts that are true to You and courage to be faithful, even when it would be easier and more comfortable to remain silent or to slip into the background via compromise or even - heaven forbid! - to deny You.  You have warned us again and again that the world wouldn't love us and that there would be persecution and trial if we love You and keep Your commandments.  Forgive us for not believing You.  I don't want to be a fair-weather Christian, Lord, but it's hard to be a follower when so many turn away.  Help me to love with Your love; to love even when it hurts, even when loving You divides me from others.  Lord, in Your mercy, heal all broken hearts, mend relationships that are torn, renew a right spirit within Your people.  And comfort us, Lord.  Comfort Your people and hold us within Your nail-scarred hands.  Not because we deserve it, but because You are our only hope and salvation, the One on whom we depend.  Amen.

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