05 December 2015

Eyes of a child

O Father-God, give me the eyes of a child.   Help me to see anew the wonders of Your creation and the love with which You long to fill it.  This day, this night, in all that surrounds me, enable me to see You, my Christ, my Saviour, my All. When the evil of the world attempts to shut You out and throw us into darkness, break through O Glorious Light and illuminate the reality of goodness and mercy.  Forgive me when I am despondent and allow circumstances to dictate my joy, rather than opening myself to the glories of Your grace and ever-present comfort.  You are my peace, O Christ.  You are the very breath I breathe, O Spirit.  Give me the eyes of a child, that I may see You each hour, each moment, for all eternity, dear Heavenly Father of All.  May I, by Your grace, hear the angels sing.  Amen. 

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