01 February 2016

God's Voice

It's a new and beautiful day, Father God!  There is a slight breeze and the sun is warming the earth and drying the mud.  In the distance there is birdsong, but I have to stop and listen for it or it melts away unnoticed.  Is that how I am with Your voice, Lord?  You are here, You are speaking to the whole world, but we don't seem to notice.  Forgive me for my indifference to You and unblock my ears to Your voice.  I know that what You have to say is much more important than anything on the television, my computer or phone.  Forgive me for listening to the voices of the world far, far more than I listen to Your voice, dear Holy Spirit.  You are right here, in the stillness of this day and in the pages of Your Word.  Don't let me turn away.  Whisper to my heart, my mind, my soul.  Draw me ever closer, I pray.  Thank You for for Your voice, blessed Triune God.  Amen

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