12 February 2016

Your Valentine

Father God it is so cold outside.  How easy it is to take the warmth and shelter of my home for granted.  I can go make a steaming hot drink.  I can sip on simmering soup.  Even if I need to save pennies and turn the thermostat down, I can wrap up in a blanket and encourage the dog to lay across on my lap. Forgive me when I take these precious things for granted.  Forgive me when I take what I have and forget to share with those who are in need.  Warm my heart with Your love, O Lord Jesus, that I may warm the hearts of others with kindness and compassion passed on in Your Holy Name and for Your Love's sake.  Especially this Valentine's weekend, when the lonely are feeling cold, when those without someone to share their shelter are feeling empty, enable me to spread Your warmth.  Help me, O Holy Spirit, to care as You care - without counting the cost, without looking for anything in return.  Thank You that we are all Your Valentines, dear God.  May I keep You close in the warmth of my heart always and forever - Amen.

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