14 January 2016

The Sacredness of the Everyday

Father, Son, Spirit, wonderful and mysterious God of us all, we profess that You are indeed mysterious to us.  You are so beyond what or who we can image You to be that we are lost in wonder and made speechless in awe.  There are no words which can truly describe the fullness of Your nature... and yet... You urge us to see You through everyday images like Father, Shepherd, Bridegroom - even as Friend!  Forgive us when we don't recognise You with us the everyday times of our lives.  Forgive us when we think You can't be interested in or bothered with the commonality of our daily existence.  You bless us with every day! May we give You the glory and praise in the midst of the normal, everyday times, each and every day.  For each moment is sacred.  Each second is created as a gift from You, FatherSonSpirit, mysterious and awesome God of the everyday.  Amen!

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