06 January 2016

In perspective

Heavenly Father, You are the One I should turn to first, not as a last resort. Thank You for calling me to Your side and inviting me to sit with You.  You help me to keep things in perspective, especially when the world seems to be flying off in terrible directions.  It can be such a scary place and I am so blessed to be able to crawl up into Your lap and listen to Your heart beat, reminding me of the strength of Your love.  Forgive me when I am cynical.  Forgive me when I doubt You or Your intentions.  Forgive me when I lose touch with Your overwhelming care and compassion, Your protection and encouragement.  Thank You, blessed Son, for holding onto me through whatever darkens my life.  I am washed in Your comfort and indescribable goodness, O Holy Spirit.  May Your praise be always on my lips and in my heart - forever and ever and ever, may I hear the angles sing!  Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Amen and Amen! Again I say, Amen! I love the image of hearing the strong beating heart of the Father. Gives me the warm fuzzes! Thank you!
