26 November 2015

Precious Day

Loving Father-God, this day is precious.  Whatever is held within its hours is a gift beyond measure!  Your blessings flow out upon us, regardless of the circumstances that surround us.  Hold those who sorrow and fill them with Your comfort.  Uplift those who are despondent and give them the glow of hope. Strengthen those with decisions to be made and enable them to hear Your guidance.  Where there is disease and injury, bring Your healing of wholeness. Where there is anger, pour out Your peace.  Where relationships are broken, speak Your mending.  Wrap the lonely in Your arms.  Where dreams are faltering, instill Your true vision. Where there is hunger and thirst, cold and lack of shelter, a lack of justice or compassion, please show us how to share, O Holy Spirit.  May we be Your hands, Your voice, Your love.   Forgive us, merciful Saviour, for wanting our own way and our continuing reluctance to follow You in deed as well as in word.  There is so much possibility in each day.  Don't let us waste it.  Don't let us regret it.  Don't let us use it for anything we'd be ashamed to share with You.  May we indeed count our blessings - and remember that You are the greatest blessing of all!  May each day be full of Thanks-giving!  Alleluia! Amen!  

16 November 2015


Dear Heavenly Father, it's so sad when what we love divides us.  Give us hearts that are true to You and courage to be faithful, even when it would be easier and more comfortable to remain silent or to slip into the background via compromise or even - heaven forbid! - to deny You.  You have warned us again and again that the world wouldn't love us and that there would be persecution and trial if we love You and keep Your commandments.  Forgive us for not believing You.  I don't want to be a fair-weather Christian, Lord, but it's hard to be a follower when so many turn away.  Help me to love with Your love; to love even when it hurts, even when loving You divides me from others.  Lord, in Your mercy, heal all broken hearts, mend relationships that are torn, renew a right spirit within Your people.  And comfort us, Lord.  Comfort Your people and hold us within Your nail-scarred hands.  Not because we deserve it, but because You are our only hope and salvation, the One on whom we depend.  Amen.

14 November 2015

In the time of War and Tumults

O Almighty God, King of all kings, and Governor of all things, whose power no creature is able to resist, to whom it belongs justly to punish sinners, and to be merciful to them that truly repent:  Save and deliver us, we humbly beseech Thee, from the hands of our enemies; abate their pride, assuage their malice, and confound their devices; that we, being armed with Thy defence, may be preserved evermore from all perils, to glorify Thee, who art the only giver of all victory; through the merits of Thy only Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen  (Book of Common Prayer, 1662)

09 November 2015

Waiting on God

Creator of the universe, Breath of life, Salvation of the world, on this new day it is so easy to want to leap into action.  I am not always a patient person, Lord. Waiting for You is not something that comes easily to me, as You know.  I chomp at the bit and forget that You alone know the big picture of what results - or doesn't result - from the actions I take.   Grant me the humility to confess that You alone know not only what should be done, but when.  Enable me to wait for You.  Help me to listen for Your voice and direction within prayer and as I spend time with You in Your Holy Word of Scripture.  Don't let my own voice drown out Yours.  Give me a heart that cares passionately about justice but understands that it must be on Your terms.  I am not called to act alone, but always within Your will.  O Master, grant me patience to wait on You before leaping into action, so that I do not leap off the cliff I cannot yet see! Father Son Spirit, protect me from myself I ask, for Your love's sake.  Amen 

07 November 2015

Glorious Gray

Good morning, Father-God!   Even when skies are gray and the air is heavy, muggy with humidity, this is still the day which You have made and call us to rejoice and be glad within!  How easy it is to forget to start my day with You, The One who has brought it into being.  Forgive me when I dash into my day; thinking only of what I need to do for me.  Intent on being my own enabler I brush You aside and concentrate on what I really believe is most important - me, myself, I... and maybe my family.  But without You it is all completely without meaning.  Without You I'm not capable of anything of eternal value; it will all pass away.  But with You everything sparkles with the newness of creation!  With You even the dullest and grayest of days is lit with the radiance of forever and ever!  This is eternity - You are eternity - and the wonder of it wraps me in awe of You.  With thanksgiving and praise I lift my heart to You this gray, muggy morning, and ask that You would bless it unto me; not for my glory, but for Your glory, Father Son Spirit, now, within this moment of forever - Amen!