12 February 2016

Your Valentine

Father God it is so cold outside.  How easy it is to take the warmth and shelter of my home for granted.  I can go make a steaming hot drink.  I can sip on simmering soup.  Even if I need to save pennies and turn the thermostat down, I can wrap up in a blanket and encourage the dog to lay across on my lap. Forgive me when I take these precious things for granted.  Forgive me when I take what I have and forget to share with those who are in need.  Warm my heart with Your love, O Lord Jesus, that I may warm the hearts of others with kindness and compassion passed on in Your Holy Name and for Your Love's sake.  Especially this Valentine's weekend, when the lonely are feeling cold, when those without someone to share their shelter are feeling empty, enable me to spread Your warmth.  Help me, O Holy Spirit, to care as You care - without counting the cost, without looking for anything in return.  Thank You that we are all Your Valentines, dear God.  May I keep You close in the warmth of my heart always and forever - Amen.

10 February 2016

Ashes to ashes

Good and Gracious Father-God, it is so hard to look our own mortality in the face.  Our culture encourages us to turn aside and ignore it, even to try to run from it and always strive to look and feel younger.  And yet today, on Ash Wednesday, You whisper to us to, "Remember, O mortal, that you are dust; and to dust you shall return." (Genesis 3:19)  Help me to remember, dear Lord, what it is You have done for  me.  Help me to look death in the face and be able to shout with Paul, that we have victory even over death through Your death and resurrection!  Lord, I believe, but I beg that You would help my unbelief because, like the child that I am, I get scared... and want to run away... and not think on these things.  Help me to believe in the depths of my soul that You died so that I may have eternal life and never die.  Hold tight to my hand, dear Jesus, with Your nail-scarred hand, that I may walk even through the valley of the shadow of death itself and fear no evil because You're with me.  You are my Light, my Life, my Salvation and on You, You alone - not this vapid culture! - I depend.  All praise to You, Father Son Spirit, now and forever and ever and ever, Amen!

01 February 2016

God's Voice

It's a new and beautiful day, Father God!  There is a slight breeze and the sun is warming the earth and drying the mud.  In the distance there is birdsong, but I have to stop and listen for it or it melts away unnoticed.  Is that how I am with Your voice, Lord?  You are here, You are speaking to the whole world, but we don't seem to notice.  Forgive me for my indifference to You and unblock my ears to Your voice.  I know that what You have to say is much more important than anything on the television, my computer or phone.  Forgive me for listening to the voices of the world far, far more than I listen to Your voice, dear Holy Spirit.  You are right here, in the stillness of this day and in the pages of Your Word.  Don't let me turn away.  Whisper to my heart, my mind, my soul.  Draw me ever closer, I pray.  Thank You for for Your voice, blessed Triune God.  Amen