10 December 2015

Walking in preparation

Heavenly Father, Emmanuel, how thankful I am that You are with us. It is so easy to get lost in the crowds of Christmas. When we don't hold tight to Your hand we can be lured away by the false glitter of consumerism instead of the true gold of the Magi. We can be pulled away by the busyness of occupation instead of leaving it all to give top priority to seeking You with the shepherds. We can be diverted by the popularity of parties instead of the quiet ponderings of Mary and Godly dreams of Joseph. Help us to hold You close and to walk with You through these days of preparation. Help us to celebrate Your birth, O God-with-us, now and forever - Amen.

07 December 2015

Surrounding love

Loving and Merciful Father-God, even when it's raining it's a beautiful day with You.  Thank You for being behind the clouds and the showers of my life, ready to bless me with the light and warmth of Your Son.  Throughout this day, keep me mindful of Your presence.  When the night begins to fall, keep my thoughts on Your protection.  When it deepens into the darkness, keep me wrapped in Your peace.  Where there is pain to endure, grant relief and comfort.  Where there are decisions to be made, make the way clear and fill thoughts with tranquility. Thank You that You surround me with Your never-ending love. Even when I cannot feel it, You are with me.  Glory, dominion and power are unto the Father Son Spirit, forever and ever - Amen.

05 December 2015

Eyes of a child

O Father-God, give me the eyes of a child.   Help me to see anew the wonders of Your creation and the love with which You long to fill it.  This day, this night, in all that surrounds me, enable me to see You, my Christ, my Saviour, my All. When the evil of the world attempts to shut You out and throw us into darkness, break through O Glorious Light and illuminate the reality of goodness and mercy.  Forgive me when I am despondent and allow circumstances to dictate my joy, rather than opening myself to the glories of Your grace and ever-present comfort.  You are my peace, O Christ.  You are the very breath I breathe, O Spirit.  Give me the eyes of a child, that I may see You each hour, each moment, for all eternity, dear Heavenly Father of All.  May I, by Your grace, hear the angels sing.  Amen.