26 March 2016

Holy In-Between Saturday

Gracious Lord and Only Saviour, this is the day of in-between.  Yesterday, Good Friday, we remembered how You bled and died for us, and tomorrow we will celebrate anew Your resurrection from the dead.  But today, Saturday, is the time of stillness and, perhaps a time to remember the grave.  Ah, Holy Jesus, how piercing to my soul to remember that without Your lying in the grave it would have been all that was left for us.  You truly died.  You were buried, wrapped in the spices of myrrh and aloes, sealed within the tomb.  I know that tomb could not hold you - and that because of that it cannot hold me either. How can I ever express what that means to me, O Loving and Merciful God?  How can my heart do anything other than soar with praises to You?  And yet I am filled with sorrow when I think of those who continue to pass You by.  I grieve to think on those who continue to hurl insults and demand Your crucifixion, still trying to blot You out, denying that You have any right to be here - You who created the heavens and the earth.  Why do so many still choose ultimate death over life, my Lord?  Forgive me if it be because of anything I say or that I do, or don't say or don't do.  Let me show forth Your life, Your light, Your love with all of my being!  May I - even I - be privileged to manifest Your goodness into Your world, that none may find themselves eternally in the tomb of Saturday death, but be joined with You, Father Son Spirit, in eternal resurrection life!  Alleluia!  Amen!